Find Your Spark

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Fall is synonymous to change. The season changes, the colours change, routines change and our internal thinking changes (at least mine does) toward academics, continued education, self-improvement and self-fulfillment. It’s as if the time for ‘turning of a new leaf’ has come, and there are goals to be set and actions to be taken.

We all have a reason for being – a purpose in life, a mission to accomplish or a legacy to leave. Deep down inside, our souls are hungry for a sense of pride and accomplishment. If we are on the path, we feel a sense of contentment with where we are journeying, but if we are not on the path of fulfilling our mission, or we are working against our purpose in life, we feel restlessness or discontentment with our current place. I believe this article can assist you in finding a positive vision toward fulfilling your purpose in life, and getting on the path that leads to happiness and success.

Just how do we find this spark that will ignite the power within us to take action?

Step 1: Be Aware Of Where You Want To Go

Have you ever wondered why we have a burning ember within us to become better than we are, to evolve, to become more educated or to be more content with ourselves? Just having this desire or burning ember isn’t satisfying on its own; it takes a spark to ignite the power within us, to take action and to improve. This ultimately creates energy, warmth and happiness.

Were you aware that everyone has a unique talent? You can do something better than anyone else on the planet. Can you believe it? And isn’t it exciting to know and believe that this talent of yours is in harmony with your purpose in life? This spark, this burning fire inside of you, is gratified when you are giving it attention.

For example, think of something that you enjoy doing so much that you loose track of time when you are doing it. When performing this talent, you are content and happy, and perhaps in somewhat of a state of bliss. If you have not realized what your talent is yet, try the following approach. Imagine you have all the money you could spend in a lifetime, and you do not have to work or do anything to support yourself. What would you spend your time doing? What would you do to feel good about yourself and your contribution to the world? Once you have that answer, you have found your spark.

Step 2: Take Action Toward Becoming The Person You Wish To Be

The magic contained in finding your spark is that your unique talents are actually closely tied to your purpose in life. When you can use your talents, your gifts, and your exceptional abilities to serve humanity, you are actually living on purpose, or living out your purpose in life.

Along with every unique talent, there is a unique need in the universe. When we focus on how we can use our talents to serve our fellow humans, we find needs far greater than we ever thought possible. And when the expression of our talents matches the needs of our fellow humans, we experience something called “Permanent Abundance”, which is the permanent flow of all good things to us.

For those of us on the path, I offer you best wishes for continued progress, success and happiness. For those of us not yet on the path, I encourage you to find your spark and to use your talents to serve humanity. You were given these talents, or this spark, to develop them for the purpose of serving humanity in someway, and to make a positive difference.

As this season changes to fall, I hope that you will make changes as well to take further action toward achieving your goals.

May the spark be with you …

~ Penny Tremblay

p.s. This article is dedicated to the volunteers of the North Bay and District Association for Community Living, in recognition of their altruistic approach to serving their community with their talents, as they continuously ask “How Can We Help”.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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