Leadership tips

Engage Employees in the NEW Workplace Sandbox

You can't build a castle on quicksand

As I get to understand the new workplace sandbox among organizations across the province, something I consistently hear about is that employers struggle with how to engage employees for a number of reasons. 

  • 62% of the workforce was working from home as of April 2020 
  • Fear of the pandemic and its affects are unknown and widely talked about 
  • Physical distancing, whether working from home or in-office has decreased feelings of belonging, purpose and meaningful work 

What people don’t know is that employee engagement is possible with a few simple tweaks to how we invest in them. 

A recent publication by the Australian Psychological Society suggests an investment to: 

  • Invest in your leaders 
  • Ensure leaders invest in their teams 
  • Show appreciation 
  • Encourage regular breaks for recovery time 
  • Enable teamwork with collaboration 
  • Provide meaningful and challenging work assignments 

Leaders, managers and employees learn to dig a little dkeynote speaker with bookeeper into their own personal inventory after learning the concepts offered in Give and Be Rich. While we’re all doing more with less in this new workplace sandbox, there is so much within that we haven’t even tapped into yet.

By understanding the value of giving more, we become rich in self-worth, confidence, humility, respect, love, social grace and all currencies of life.  That’s a new ground breaking start to engage employees and build more appreciation, collaboration, productivity and customer service which will help us stay strong in this new future that’s been accelerated through CoVid.

This virtual keynote for your team is delivered with the gift of one copy of Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance for everyone attending. It’s impactful, powerful and meaningful.

virtual training keynote for team with copy of book
Keynote with Book

Once your people feel the value giving more to tap their circle of abundance, the results are astounding. Engaged employees improve customer service, and the value received by everyone who is giving more creates a cycle of contagious enthusiasm. 

Book your virtual presentation today with Penny Tremblay!

Thanks for reading!


Here is a previous Leadership Tip to Harnessing the Power of Giving

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