Economy = Contribution

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

One of the most powerful messages that I have heard this year is “Economy Equals Contribution”. What does that mean?

When we consider our personal ‘economy‘, we can include the flow of all things toward us, including the good things and the bad. For example, let’s focus on the good. Love, money, happiness, peace, respect, abundance etc., can all be considered as our ‘personal economy’. Most of us desire an abundant economy, some more money or material related than others.

Contribution can be defined as ‘what we give’. To make contributions in our lives, we give of ourselves. Time, energy, attention, love, understanding, consideration, etc. We add value, we strive and persist at what we believe in and make ‘contributions’.

The power experienced in the message Economy = Contribution lies in its simplicity. We get what we give. We reap what we sow. There are no shortcuts. The universe has a perfect accounting system, and no good deed goes unpaid.

So, when we are looking at how to create abundance in our lives, we need only to find ways of how to give abundantly. Perhaps find a need and fill it; perhaps ask the four magic words more often “How Can I Help?”

Example “Mary has been struggling with a new business idea. Its planning and research stages have been completed already, but she feels ‘stuck’ in her process of generating cash flow.

With the idea of Economy = Contribution, Mary invests more energy in connecting with people whom she feels she can add value to with her services. Mary approaches them with the idea of helping them. “How Can I Help?” materialized to new experiences, networks of new clients, and abundance beyond her original expectations.

Make sure you are focused on first giving what you wish to receive. Like the farmer who plants their seeds and nurtures their crops, you too will have a harvest full of your desired personal economy as a result of first planting and nurturing your contributions.

“Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows and Results show”, ~ Barry Spilchuck

Source of the message “Economy = Contribution” comes from a conversation about her business, Performance Evolution, where owner Dana Monette explained to me how we must look at what we give of ourselves, to understand what we receive.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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