Leadership tips

Do you want Customers or Clients?

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey
The definition of a client is “one who is under the protection of another.
Which would you rather have, customers or clients? Clients come back for repeat business, customers buy once and are done.
The key to building your relationships with your clients is in follow up and knowing the best way to follow up.
Do you ever wonder what to say when you follow up with a prospect or customer?  You can never go wrong with showing your appreciation and gratitude on a regular basis.  Appreciation and gratitude win over self-promotion.
This is what I call ‘spiritual marketing’.  You are feeding the spirit of others, not self promoting yourself.  To your potential client, it is not about you! It is about them. They only want to know that you will take care of them, and that their business is not going to be taken for granted.
In fact, the top two reasons why clients leave someone and do business with someone else is because they feel you took their business for granted or they forgot about you.
Remember that the Fortune is in the Follow Up!  Turn your prospects and customers into life-time clients.

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