Leadership tips

Current Workplace Conflict Trends

There is more conflict in the workplace currently than there was pre pandemic

In our recent research about the effects of Covid-19 on Workplace Conflict, we surveyed over 550 employee and manager respondents to ask what types of conflict were currently present in their workplace. 

People indicated these types, ordered by popularity.  (By the way, only 22% of the respondents indicated that there was no known conflict present in their organization.) 

Current Workplace Conflict Trends a graph of different types of conflict

Common Causes of Workplace Conflicts 

  • People resistant to change 40% 
  • Negativity causing a decrease in morale 38% 
  • Complaints about workload fairness 37% 
  • People taking things personally 32% 
  • Coworkers that do not get along 23% 

Common Causes of Interpersonal Conflicts  

  • 63% Communication styles 
  • 45% Personality differences 
  • 31% Conflicting values 
  • 15% Envy 
  • 11% Competition for promotions 

Stay Tuned for next week’s Leadership Tip where I will share the top Stressor for Current Workplace Conflict  

Although conflict is inevitable, suffering is optional.  Work teams can learn to embrace conflict and leverage it to build their biggest castle, but they need sand toys, I mean tools in their sandbox to do that.  That’s what we do!  Let’s dig in and help them succeed. 

Book a discovery call today at www.PennyTremblay.com to discuss in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™.   

The Sandbox System


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