Leadership tips

Conflicting Opinions About Returning To Work 

Conflicting Opinions About Returning To Work  with Penny Tremblay

Some do want to return to work, yet others do not.  The bottom line is that you must be talking about it. 

This past weekend I listened to numerous radio interviews with employment lawyers, employees, and employers. Negotiating a new work arrangement for the long-term is a hot topic right now. One which needs personal one-to-one discussion because many people have unique situations. 

The challenge with talking about it is that HR and managers need to know how to talk through difficult conversations, negotiations and personal issues that affect workers today. The training required can be learned in one of my best online training programs called the Sandbox System Relationships & Conflict Management Certification Program for Managers and Supervisors.   

The fact is, there are SO many coaches and trainers that are teaching Relationship and Conflict management courses, but most of them are doing it wrong.  

Very few are going beyond the superficial level of information that can be found using a simple google search. They are not giving leaders the insights and tools they need to get to the deeper levels of conflict and resolve it at a core level.  

But, this is exactly what I do in this program. I teach managers and supervisors HOW to actually get to the bottom of the conflict and shift the momentum of it.  

Until now, I only taught this course in person at almost 10 times the cost.  

The Sandbox System Relationships and Conflict Management Certification Online Program is my winning framework to teach managers and leaders exactly how to manage workplace relationships and conflict, whether it’s caused by poor communication, resistance to change, cultural differences, or even by personality clashes.  

For more information about this 4-session LIVE online certified training program, click on the link below:  

Stay tuned…Next week I will be sharing the second biggest secret about conflict!

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