Christmas Is A Time For Receiving

receiving at christmas

Christmas Is A Time For Receiving… What?  I thought Christmas was a time for giving!  Well, yes, it is – and it is also a time for receiving.

It’s been eight months since my new book, Give and Be Rich, was published.  The topic of giving has run rampant throughout every fibre of my being for the past several years now.  Since working on the project, I’ve learned so much about giving, and its flipside: receiving.  I’ve learned that we have a lot to learn about receiving.

Without receiving, we have nothing to give.  That’s easy to comprehend.  But just how much are we willing to receive?  That’s been my greatest personal contemplation this year:  “How much am I willing to receive?”

Without receiving everything that comes to us—the good and the not-so-good—we obstruct the one channel that provides the inflow and outflow of the energies that we can refer to as the ‘currencies’ of life.

This year I have received such abundance: some beautiful packages, and some that seemed to be wrapped in what I like to call crappy paper: stinky, painful, and emotionally charged.

I’d received some brutally honest feedback from myself—that I had to make some major life changes.  And so I did.  A long-term relationship that wasn’t working was ended.  Easy?  No way.  Essential?  Absolutely.  I’m still feeling the pain.   There are still parts of this process unresolved; people hurt; anger, frustration, and open wounds.  I’m receiving it all.  There’s freedom here for all involved, and I know that the only way to get past something is to go through it. I’m fully receiving it.

I’ve also received new opportunities to serve people all over Canada with our work in Conflict Resolution and Workplace Relationships.

I’ve received rich testimonials about the work that we do.

I’ve received feedback on what’s working and not working in my life.

I’ve received the challenges of my relationships with others.

I’ve received better health.

I’ve received a beautiful new place to live, work, and host my favourite people.

I’ve received many amazing new connections with others.

I’ve received money, wisdom, experiences, peace, joy, love, intimacy, friendships, compliments and trust—that there will always be an abundance to receive.

In my contemplation of the question “How much am I willing to receive?”, I have come to the realization that we sabotage ourselves from receiving based on old patterning.  A scarcity mentality keeps us small, and we wear it like a ball and chain, allowing it to hold us back from really showing up and being our authentic selves.  A scarcity mentality tells us that there should be a limit; that we should only receive a certain amount (of good and not-so-good).  Because of this, we modulate what happens in our lives, instead of just feeling worthy and deserving, opening ourselves up fully to let things unfold, and trusting that they are all gifts in the circle of abundance.

You can read more about giving, receiving, and the scarcity mentality in my new book, Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance.

As you enter this wonderful holiday season, keep in mind that Christmas is a time for receiving.  Remind yourself of all that you’ve received, and be aware of what you haven’t so that you may clear the one channel that delivers everything we need.  You’ll be a better giver for it.  Remember that the best gifts are often wrapped in crappy paper.  Receive them and be rich!

Holiday blessings to you and all those who matter to you, and best wishes for great abundance.


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P.S. If receiving is a challenge for you, it may be related to something you need to start giving yourself.  Call us if you need some help.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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