Change … To resist or go with the flow …. That is the question.

do you fear change?

Imagine we’re in a comfortable groove playing nice in the sandbox, … and then everything changes.  Change is inevitable.  Things are always changing.  And we get … off balance.

Watch my new video about how to embrace change:

When we’re squeezed out of our comfort zone, into the unknown, we feel fear and frustration, and we begin to pass judgement.  But … what if we could decide to change those feelings into something more productive and peaceful.

Fear ⇒ Excitement 
Frustration ⇒ Courage 
Judgement ⇒ Curiosity 

One of the companies I work with has just invested $10 million in their software, to support distributors and customers.  I notice that some of these distributors and customers have decided to be excited, courageous and curious about the potential that this upgrade will deliver overtime, and others have decided to be stuck in fear and frustration, and are passing negative judgement on their own company and leadership.  Each has been given the same set of circumstances, and the same options to decide from.   

If you could choose between fear and excitement, which would you choose? And why? 

If you could choose between frustration and courage, which would you rather? And why? 

If you could choose between judgement and curiosity, which would you prefer? And why? 

The reason I end each of these questions with ‘why?’ is because you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.  You can dig deep here and really get honest with yourself as to why your deciding to be in favour or against the change. 

If you’re standing in excitement, courage and curiosity, congratulations.  You’re very proactive and influential, and your team needs you.  The greatest leaders can’t lead without the commitment of those who follow.  Great decision! But it’s not easy.  Your influential muscles area getting a workout and becoming stronger.  The world needs more people who think like you.   

If you’re standing in fear, frustration and judgement, know that you’re in charge, this is your sandbox and you get to shift the grains of sand however you decide.  Either decision will cost you energy and effort, the real question becomes, what outcome do you want?   

If you’re leading a change, empathize with how people are thinking and feeling about the change, and how you might change their emotional response to one of excitement, courage and curiosity.  A first step would be to acknowledge what has been lost.  Don’t miss this step.  The greatest need of the human spirit is the need to FEEL understood, so that empathy is very critical, and very valuable. 

If you need some help with your corporate change, to help your people and their relationship to change, call me because your greatest leadership day is with Penny Tremblay.

Well speaking of change … I’ve got to change my mode from speaking to accounting. Argh!  I mean … Ooohh, I wonder how much money I will have left after I get my taxes done. 🙂


inspirational speaker, corporate training, conflict resolution




p.s.  Here’s another Leadership Tip and video link to help you.  We attract things similar to the vibrations that we are putting out. So if you want to attract good things, you have to put out good vibes.

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Sandbox Scoop. Video nuggets of wisdom worth sharing
Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


Leadership Tips For Workplace Relationships

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