Step 4 of the Sandbox System™ optimizes the peaceful relationships, productivity training, and profitable plan and puts it all together with action and accountability.
The one common denominator to keep momentum of peaceful working relationships, is implementing learned skills to create productive habits. Practice, practice, practice will keep your team on the profitable path of your plan.
Accountability is the glue that holds people to their commitments, and to the iterative process that generates desired outcomes.
This fourth step will ensure that when all is said and done, more is done! Your team will take action on building their combined, collaborative castle.
When all is said and done, is more said than done?
Do team players agree to new commitments only to revert back to old habits?
Does your team brainstorm session generate great ideas, that result in no outcomes?
How many times have you attended a course or conference, leaving with great intentions that sizzled out within the following week?
Our four-step process resolves conflict first, then builds leadership capacity with training for the entire team, followed by a facilitated inclusive planning strategy for profit, with action and accountability to drive consistent results.
© Copyright Play Nice in the Sandbox with Penny Tremblay, Tremblay Leadership Center. All Rights Reserved.