Leadership tips

How A Blocked Chakra Creates Conflict

Tamara Arnold
For years I’ve taught the concept that conflict resolution is an inside job.  A few months ago, I met Tamara Arnold, an Author who helps people understand how blockages in our chakras (energy centers within the body) affect what happens in our lives and business. 
I invited Tamara to share some information with you about how a blocked chakra can inhibit acquiescence, especially with communication, because conflict is often a result of an unwillingness to talk about things. 
Tamara used the analogy of a tall building with seven floors to represent the chakra energy centers in our body.  As we collect different confrontational experiences, we hang onto that energy and place it on one of the seven floors.  This creates a frequency or belief within us that we present out into the world, and affects our communication because it triggers old experiences, therefore magnifies the current circumstance.
We tend to get angry over little things because of old stored energy.  Perhaps something our parents said in our early years, or something a friend did in grade eight, so we’re not just living in this moment, we’re living in both our early years and the current time, therefore those we have relationships with (which is everyone we encounter) are dealing with our past emotions and the present ones too. 
How we get entangled with other people in conflict is negotiable if we are aware of what triggers our behavior and understand where it comes from, and want to clear it.  Clearing it starts from creating a vision for ourselves, of a life that really lights us up, and living life from that perspective.  Simple, but not easy!

I invite you to listen to the audio version to experience how Tamara found blockages in me, even though our meet-up was over a Zoom call.  Check it out HERE

If more clients, more opportunities, more revenue and better relationships are part of your goals this year, listening to this is 10 minute audio will be time well spent, because the more inner space we have free, the more success and abundance we can hold. 
I highly recommend that you contact Tamara by visiting www.TamaraArnold.ca or email tamara@tamaraarnold.ca and receive everything you need to master your energy and create the life of your dreams. 
Conflict costs corporations billions of dollars each year, and it’s preventable.  Conflict also divides families and personal relationships into fragments that could be united, amicable and peaceful.
Happy New Year,

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