Leadership tips

Cherry Pick Your Best Plan

cherry pick your best plan

Are you frustrated with the status quo? Are you settling for the way things are but feeling beat up, anxious or exhausted? Is your workplace culture dragging you down?

There is a Solution

It’s…cherry picking. Are you surprised? Yes, cherry picking, the practice of choosing and taking only the most beneficial or profitable items or opportunities available.

Maybe you’ve tried meeting as a team, but things revert to those old habits. Often good ideas get off to a strong start, but people don’t always stay committed to the course of change.

When I realized that I didn’t have to settle, and could ‘cherry pick’ my life from the catalogue of possibilities, more of what I wanted and intended to have started showing up. You too have access to this same catalogue of pure potential. It’s your imagination, your mental clarity about your intention and desires, and your beliefs about it all.

Do you have a plan on how your workplace could be better? How specific is your plan? Could you draw it out, write it down with intrinsic detail?

Of course this sounds like a group process, and it could be, but don’t wait for that to happen. You can quickly have what you decide and take action on. The key is to get clear on what ‘it’ even is and then act as if its already a reality.

There’s a cost for everything. A cost for settling and a cost for improving. Let’s call it an investment; that sounds better.

Invest in what you want…

Start with your thoughts.
Envision it.
Get clear.
Cherry pick.

Call me if you need a ladder to reach up and select the finest cherries you can think up because, your greatest leadership day is with Penny Tremblay.

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