Leadership tips

Are You Building Walls?

The hype about building walls to maintain borders is entering through both ears and eyes today, as the US President tries to convince his opposition of a strategy for protection and division.  

I too am sitting with the idea of building walls; but these are emotional walls that protect us from the pain and suffering of old wounds and old patterns of thinking.   

Talking to a wise friend about a particular issue that is troubling me, I realized that I too am building walls that protect me from intimacy.  Intimacy (into-me-see) is an important part of close, comfortable relationships, not necessarily sexual, but connected ways in which we encounter each other in workplace / business relationships and beyond.  Our ego wants to protect us from fears and insecurities.

I think we all build walls from time to time; emotional walls to protect us from hurting.  When we build walls, no-one can get in but we can’t get out either. 

Building walls is not the answer to resolving conflict.  If we even just think about taking down the walls, and the vulnerable price we will have to pay to be real and raw, we’ll discover a delicate and sensitive opportunity for new growth. 

 Where in your life have you been building walls?  Are you prepared to get deeper into the reasons why?  Are you ready to break your walls down?  Contact me if you need some support.

 Blessings for peaceful, productive and profitable relationships at work and beyond,

inspirational speaker, corporate training, conflict resolution

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