Leadership tips

#5 of the 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces

image of a boss pointing a finger at employee and employee has his hand over his face as they are in conflict

There are many mistakes leaders should avoid when dealing with workplace conflict. This is the last of the top 5 that I have seen in my many years of facilitating workplace conflict resolution.


One of the most common, awkward and difficult situations is to manage or supervise ‘friends’.  This is common because people get promoted from within, which is a smart way to retain and promote people who have great corporate knowledge. 

The challenge is that they used to be ‘friends’ with the team that they now need a different relationship with.  Confiding with team members that you manage is also a common entanglement that makes managing difficult. 

I know that ‘it’s lonely at the top,’ but a good mastermind or network of professionals in similar positions is a safe way to connect and share emotional feelings and stories about the challenges of being a leader. 

That’s where I come in… I’ve created a report, The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces and invite you to download it. Click the button below to get your FREE copy today!

5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces

If you can’t find your way, call Penny Tremblay, because the high cost of conflict is avoidable, and profits can be used for better things.

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