Leadership tips

5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces 

image of man at a desk with his head in his hands and a laptop and several people handing him work to do showing mistakes leaders make

If you’re a manager or supervisor, you don’t want make these common mistakes when conflict surfaces. In this report I outline the 5 most common mistakes leaders are making in the new workplace “sandbox”. These mistakes can be avoided with the right tools and strategies which I will be giving you. 

I wrote this report: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces and How to Avoid Them because the high cost of conflict and employee turnover is avoidable, and your energy can be used for better things.  

5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces

If you’re struggling with conflict on your team, I’d love to hear about it. If you’re willing to share, feel free to book a confidential call with me to discuss. 


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