June 16, 2022

Thank you for inviting me to deliver knowledge and inspiration about building strong employee relations through performance reviews and using a coach approach. Below are the slide handouts from both of my presentations, and links to contact me and obtain more free information to improve workplace relationships.

Engage Employees Through Performance Reviews


Managing With a Coach Approach

If you enjoyed my presentation, please tell the meeting planners, and if there is anything that I could improve upon, please tell me.

I look forward to being invited back to CPA Saskatchewan to share relevant information in the future. Should you need some support along the way, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help!

workplace conflict training best speaker Ontario

Penny Tremblay
Workplace Relationships Expert
Founder of The Sandbox System™ A Playful Approach to Relationship Management & Conflict Resolution


c. 705-358-3396
o. 401-203-0505
e. penny@pennytremblay.com
w. www.pennytremblay.com

video – Our Services – https://youtu.be/mOd0mf5T3lI 
video – Penny’s Why – https://youtu.be/87qKslKjJwE

Facebook: /tremblayleadership 
LinkedIn: /pennytremblay 
YouTube: /ptremblay100 
Instagram: /pennytremblay 

Author of Give and be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance, Get your copy today